Be the one to notice, care, and lead in love.
Accelerator / Learning Designer
Kana Ashida
Kana is an international educator who is passionate to provide students with innovative, authentic, and rigorous learning opportunities with a lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion. She has experience serving young people as a full-time EFL teacher at Keimei Gakuen Middle School and High School, a private K-12 school in Tokyo that places emphasis on global education.
This experience led her to work at IC Net Limited, a leading international development consulting company in Greater Tokyo, where she was the program lead for global education. At IC Net, she developed and conducted several global educational programs by offering institutions and individuals opportunities for immersive global experience such as study tours, fieldwork, and internship programs. These 9 years of working in education fostered curiosity and passion for learner-centered-learning and PBL, but she also knew that it was about time to learn and unlearn on a deeper level. "High Tech High would be a perfect place," she thought, and she was so right.
From July 2021, Kana spent a transformational, rigorous 10 months at HTH Graduate School of Education and HTHMesa, where she did her residency.
In her residency, she collaborated with 10th grade HTHM teachers and students, and strived to cultivate a culture of excellence within the classroom and across the school using improvement science. After obtaining Masters of Education in Educational Leadership from HTHGSE, Kana returned to Urayasu, Japan, where her family lives, and launched a small marché with her sister-in-law exploring a sustainable lifestyle. In May 2023, she joined TigerMov as a learning accelerator and designer. In addition to TigerMov, she serves as a community designer at "Lemon House," where it aspires to provide a safe space where anyone can feel they belong, a PD guest instructor of "Learning Creators Lab" by Kotaenonai Gakko, a supporter of "Fox Project" that aims to cultivate inclusive learning environments, and also a piano teacher at a nursery in Tokyo. She is always eager to collaborate with people who are reimagining education with and for the young people.